Apprentice Essentials
As an apprentice, here are some key facts, responsibilities and telephone numbers you may need during your Stubbing Court Training programme to help and support you, keeping yourself safe and healthy.
SCT promotes the importance of safety and encourages all apprentices and employers to assess and reduce risks.
You should:
- Take responsibility for your own safety and for horses, colleagues and visitors
- Have high standards of hygiene and tidiness
- Be professional, follow the yard rules and correct procedures
- Report any accidents or near misses, unsafe work and equipment needing repair to your employer immediately
Equality and Diversity
SCT promotes fairness at work and provides World Class training opportunities.
You should:
- Be treated fairly, feel safe at work, have access to training, and a feeling of well-being
- Treat others fairly, help ensure the people you work with are safe, share the workload and training opportunities
- Promote safeguarding: keep others safe from harm, abuse and neglect
- Report any cases of abuse to Belinda Turner at SCT on 01246 566193
If you have any Safeguarding concerns relating to a child (under 18) you should contact Belinda Turner at SCT or your Local Authority Out of Hours Social Care number, which you can find by putting in the postcode of where you are reporting from at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/report-child-abuse-to-local-council
Alternatively, if you feel that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection you should contact the Police immediately (telephone 999). These organisations will be able to help you and take any necessary action.
Information, Advice and Guidance
SCT is committed to providing accurate and impartial careers information, advice and guidance; 98% of our learners progress to further their careers in the horse industry. We aim to:
• enable learners to have access to good quality information and advice about progression pathways, including the wide range of careers in the horse industry
• help learners understand about the world of work to know what skills they need to succeed in getting and keeping a job
• advise on work experience opportunities to help explore career opportunities and expand networks
• advise on creating a CV and interview techniques
• provide referrals to other organisations for support that SCT cannot provide
NUS Extra
Discounts for Apprentices!
NUS Apprentice Extra, the discount card for UK Apprentices with loads of discounts in-store and online, including travel, driving lessons and restaurants. Please go to:
to apply.
Whistleblowing Policy
Download our Whistleblowing Policy here.
Appeals and Complaints Procedure
Download our Appeals and Complaints Procedure here.
Lycetts Insurance
Lycetts Insurance Brokers have in-depth experience of both the equine industry and are able to offer specialist advice on all aspects of equestrian related insurance, including equine businesses and property as well as the horses themselves.
A little bit more information about some of the insurance covers that you may require;
Public Liability
The cover provided under this policy works to protect Freelance Grooms and Instructors against claims against them for damage to third party property or persons. Key benefits include 24 hours cover worldwide with a limit of indemnity of £10,000,000 with the additional benefit of care, custody and control cover of up to £10,000. Each cover is arranged individually for the personal requirements of the client.
Personal Accident Insurance
Personal accident cover is available for professional or amateur riders and can provide income support in the event of temporary disability enabling the rider the optimum chance for a full and fast recovery. Income Protection and Private Medical are also options available to clients and our financial services team are more than happy to discuss the best option for the individual client
Bloodstock Insurance
Bloodstock Insurance responds in the event that the insured horse dies or is euthanased on humane grounds in the event of an accident, injury or illness. All Risks of Mortality cover is available for both Thoroughbreds and Sport horses. In addition there are a number of extensions available including Emergency Surgery Costs, Veterinary Fees and Loss of Use.
To discuss your individual requirements further please contact Oli Curl at Olivia.curl@lycetts.co.uk or 07717 692950.
Specialist careers free and confidential advice and guidance
National Careers Service: 0800 100 900
They have specialist Personal Advisers who will give you advice on a range of training and disability matters, including the kind of help available and all the different opportunities open to you.
For advice on wide range of issues including housing, employment, education, driving and tax please click here
The National Careers Service website provides careers advice and information on a wide range of jobs, training course resources and funding www.nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/
Helpline Numbers and Contacts
- Childline 0800 1111
- Beating Eating Disorders 0808 801 0677
- McMillan Cancer Support 0808 808 2020
- Shelter 0808 800 4444
- NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
- National Drugs Helpline FRANK 0300 123 6600
- NHS Advice 111
- Young Minds 0808 802 5544 (for concerns about the mental health of a young person)
- Samaritans 116 123
- Emergency contraception www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/
- National Eating Disorders 0808 801 0677
- Sexual Abuse Support Centre Helpline 0808 802 9999
- Suicide Prevention 0800 068 41 41
- Themix.org.uk (online guide for 16 - 25 year olds offering straight talking emotional support)
- stonewall.org.uk (supports young LGBT)
- Sexual Health Helpline 0300 123 7123
- SCT Mental Health First Aider - Marie Skelly 07908 842289
For a comprehensive list of help and advice on all aspects of your health and welfare, please visit the NHS Livewell site, by clicking here.
Police Anti-terrorist Hotline 0800 789 321 to report an immediate threat to life or property.
Get support in work if you have a disability or health condition (Access to Work).