Stubbing Court Training Ltd. are keen to support all employers working in the horse industry to develop the skills and motivation of all your staff through Apprenticeships, and your organisation's overall sucess. Some of the services we provide for all employers working with the SCT include:
- Training towards Work-based Diplomas, First Aid, Transport and Functional Skills qualifications for your SCT Apprentices
- Participation in the SCT Masterclass Series with world-clas trainers, including Matthew Sampson, Christopher Bartle, Yogi Breisner and Joe Whitaker
- Promotion of your business and the services you offer, for example via mailings, newsletter, SCT website and SCT Facebook
- Support with recruitment of new apprentices
- Monthly update service on horse industry, safety, taining and employment issues
- Heavily subsided Equine Transport qualifications
- A Continuous Professional Development programme for employers in Training and Coaching, Health and Safety, Employment Law, Safeguarding, Management and veterinary care, and access to the SCT 'Winning Ways' Seminars with Olympic coaches, vets and world class professionals
- Free, knowledgeable advice and guidance on Employment Law, Health and Safety and related issues
- Access to free Peninsula Employment Law Seminars and Updates
Motivated People
Apprenticeships offer you access to a pool of talented young people, and are open to existing employees as well as new recruits. Apprentices are motivated and keen to learn. By offering Apprenticeships you will find it easier to recruit and retain staff. You can also use your existing experienced staff to train your Apprentices. Better still, it won’t be long before your Apprentices are using their valuable knowledge to help train others.
Relevant Training
Apprenticeships are a mark of a quality business with an accredited workforce. Our training is relevant and tailored to your needs by people who genuinely understand what you do. We enable you to use your experienced staff to train others, since Apprentices learn through a combination of on and off-the-job training, resulting in real, practical qualifications.
SCT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of learners. Safeguarding is intended to keep all young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults safe from a range of potential harm and best practice ways of reducing risks. Any yard or individual providing a regulated activity (e.g teaching, training or instruction, care or supervision of children, coaching – ‘but not if the activity is in relation to the child’s paid employment AND they are 16/17’ DBS Guidance on Regulated Activity 2018.) should have a DBS check and it is a criminal offence:
- punishable by up to five years in prison, for a barred individual to take part in a regulated activity
- for an employer to take on an individual in regulated activity if they fail to check that person’s status
- for an employer to allow a barred individual, or an individual who is not yet registered with the DBS, to work for any length of time in any regulated activity
Please see https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and-barring-service for more information, or call the DBS Helpline on 03000 200 190.
Further information can be found on the DBS website. You may find the following pages useful:
- www.gov.uk/find-out-dbs-check www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-workforceguidance
- Information about regulated activity with children is also available from the Department for Education (DfE). www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/file/550197/Regulated_activity_in_ relation_to_children.pdf
To help employers understand the requirements and best practice in staff recruitment, and for staff to complete a recognised and certificated training programme, SCT provide on request links to free, certificated online courses.
Lycetts Insurance
Lycetts Insurance Brokers has nearly 60 years’ experience of looking after the insurance needs of their clients. They offer specialist, impartial advice on your personal insurance and wealth management requirements, in addition to an extensive range of products and services for estates, farms, equestrian and commercial enterprises.
Lycetts have in-depth experience of both the equine and racing industry and are able to offer specialist advice on all aspects of equestrian related insurance, including equine businesses and property as well as the horses themselves.
A little bit more information about some of the insurance covers that you may require;
Public Liability
The cover provided under this policy works to protect the insured business against claims against them for damage to third party property or persons. Key benefits include 24 hours cover worldwide with a limit of indemnity of £10,000,000 with the additional benefit of care, custody and control cover available of up to the maximum value required of any one horse. Each cover is tailored individually for the personal requirements of the client.
Employers Liability
This cover is compulsory by law and relevant to any Individual or Business that has any employees under their direction or instruction. The cover is designed to respond to actions brought by employees for damage to them or their property for up to £10,000,000 limit of indemnity. Any self-employed, volunteers, apprentices, part or full time staff should be included in this cover. As an employer you have a duty of care to provide a safe working environment for your staff. The Lycetts Toolkit provided free of charge to any client provides support for Health and Safety requirements and risk assessments. Should you be found not to have Employers Liability cover in place you can face fines of up to £2,500 a day from the HSE.
Personal Accident Insurance
Personal accident cover is available for professional or amateur riders and can provide income support in the event of temporary disability enabling the rider the optimum chance for a full and fast recovery. Income Protection and Private Medical are also options available to clients and our Financial services team are more than happy to discuss the best option for each individual client
Bloodstock Insurance
Bloodstock Insurance responds in the event that the insured horse dies or is euthanased on humane grounds in the event of an accident, injury or illness. All Risks of Mortality cover is available for both Thoroughbreds and Sport horses. In addition there are a number of extensions available including Emergency Surgery Costs, Veterinary Fees and Loss of Use.
To discuss your individual requirements further please contact Oli Curl at Olivia.curl@lycetts.co.uk or 07717 692950.
Morgan Kent
international showjumper, HK Horses
“The SCT Apprenticeship gives individuals a great opportunity to learn the vital skills needed in the equestrian industry. They can learn openly while having a structured programme to help and guide their learning. The programme covers all areas of horse care and management and helps the apprentice work towards valuable qualifications. It enables apprentices to be trained to an excellent standard and gain invaluable experience. I would highly recommend SCT to employers keen to improve the capability of their staff, as well as potential apprentices looking for an excellent, well-focussed training organisation.”
Michael Whitaker
British Team European and World Championships, and Olympic showjumper
"I have worked with SCT for over 30 years. I always recommend SCT to other yards and possible apprentices as they are very easy to work with, encourage apprentices to work to the highest standards, provide a lot of back up for employers and apprentices and always go the extra mile. Highly professional and very well organised"
Apprenticeships – A Great Idea
As an employer you already know that training your workforce is a good idea, but Apprenticeships are even better. Apprenticeships give your people the skills and knowledge to do the job better, and because they are well motivated and trained staff, they work harder and more effectively for your business.
Jeanette Brakewell
World silver medallist, four times European gold medallist, twice Olympic silver medallist
““I am extremely impressed with Stubbing Court Training’s Apprenticeship programme, the training and guidance from all the team is top class and helps to ensure the practical skills carried out by my staff are of a high standard.The Apprenticeship offers the chance to gain valuable qualifications and learn specialist skills required by any member of the team on a busy yard. I would recommend the SCT Apprenticeship programme to any employer keen to train and develop their employees.”
Andrew Saywell
International show-jumper and member of the British Team
“I have employed and trained Apprentice grooms from Stubbing Court Training for the last 15 years. This confirms how pleased I am to be involved with them. Their professional way of management seems to make all their trainees a success and I congratulate all the Stubbing Court team for being such a first class organisation”
Mark Kyle
Irish European, World Championship, and Olympic Event Rider
“We have successfully worked with Stubbing Court Training for the last 7 years. We have several working students and find with the excellent help and support provided by SCT the Apprenticeship programme allows apprentices every advantage to gain experience and knowledge to a high standard, giving them the practical experience and skills required to work on any professional yard. We strongly recommend the SCT Apprenticeship programme to any employer keen to train and develop their employees.”
Jamie Atkinson
International Event Rider and winner of the Silver medal at the Young Rider European Eventing Championships
"Stubbing Court Training’s Apprenticeship programmes provide an invaluable opportunity for young people serious about a career with horses. They enable apprentices to work, learn and be assessed in yards working to the highest standards in Europe. Young people gain specialist skills and qualifications as a result of doing the job."
"The programme offers a firm foundation for the future. Future employers are looking for qualifications as well as skills”…