09-May-2024 14:52
in General
by Admin

It would be hard to think of a career pathway with more options, scope and opportunities than an equine Apprenticeship with Stubbing Court Training Ltd (SCT), as 18 school pupils and their parents found out during international showjumper William Whitaker’s SCT Masterclass at Parklands EC, Sheffield on 15 April.


The visitors got a “taster” of what it is like to undertake an Apprenticeship with Britain’s leading provider of Apprentices to the equestrian industry by talking to current and former apprentices, an employer and an SCT coach while watching William - an SCT employer himself, and winner of major prizes such as the Hickstead Derby and the Puissance class at Olympia - work with horses and riders of varying degrees of experience and ambition. The feedback was universally excellent.


William’s Masterclass was just one of the many benefits offered by East Midlands-based SCT that enrich and inspire young people in seeking a lasting and well-rewarded career with horses. SCT has outstanding contacts with a vast range of employers, from the world’s top riders and trainers to livery yards, rehab centres and competition yards at the highest level. An Apprenticeship offers a thorough, broad-based and remunerated training with first-class support and guidance, resulting in experience and qualifications that employers really want.


The Whitaker family - showjumping’s most celebrated clan - have been great supporters of SCT’s apprenticeship programmes for over thirty years.


William said: “It was a really good day. Everyone was keen to learn and stayed focused, and it showed that the basic principles of riding and training apply at all levels.”


One attendee said: “It was great seeing excellent training exercises put into practice that suited and improved all levels of horses and riders. There were huge improvements due to Willliam’s world-class training techniques.” 

“Very enjoyable and educational,” added another.


The next in SCT’s acclaimed Masterclass Series, which is exclusive to SCT apprentices and employers, is with Badminton winner, Olympian and coach to the British eventing team, Chris Bartle, at Pickering Grange Equestrian, Leics, on 1 July. 


The final judging for SCT’s prestigious Apprentice of the Year Award will also take place that day. The finalists must be nominated by their employer, then they will be put through their paces during an interview with their portfolio by Anna Goodley, Director of Lycetts Insurance, and Chris Bartle. To be nominated, apprentices must have shown exceptional commitment to the Apprenticeship and their job, for example completed voluntary work experience, written articles to promote their yard and Apprenticeships, and completed all modules on target. They must have demonstrated performance to world-class standards. The victor will receive a £200 cash prize, kindly provided by Lycetts Insurance. 


Anna Goodley said: “Lycetts are proud to sponsor the 2024 ‘Apprentice of the Year’ Award. Once again Stubbing Court Training Ltd are recognising and rewarding their best apprentices, and Lycetts are very proud to be associated with this initiative. Attracting good grooms and riders in horse sport is crucial, and these apprentices are getting the very best start to their careers.”


SCT’s equine apprenticeships offer young people an outstanding chance to achieve the highest standards of horse care and horsemanship by learning from the best practitioners in the equestrian world. Their contacts are unparalleled, and the company offers exceptional levels of support to both apprentices and their employers, giving advice and training in all aspects of employment. Apprentices earn a wage while gaining valuable, respected qualifications and transferrable skills, giving them excellent employability.